
How to Increase Margin on Analytics Services – Agency Case Study

Agency Case study: digData

digData is a marketing analytics consulting firm founded by Kate Bartkiewicz. 

Kate is a veteran of large creative agencies like JWT and her success in the agency world translated to her independent analytics company. Kate was growing digData, but couldn’t hire enough data analysts to properly scale.

digData founder, Kate Bartkiewicz
digData founder, Kate Bartkiewicz


  1. How could Kate keep up with the demand for data analysis services without hiring an expensive full-time analyst? 
  2. And how could Kate reduce the amount of hours required to generate her analytics reports in order to maintain costs?

Only 5% of small- and mid-sized businesses can adequately staff data analysts; Kate knew hiring an experienced data analyst would be challenging and expensive.

And Kate knew her margins would suffer if her employees took too long to collect and clean the data.

How could Kate add staff while reducing costs?


Kate planned to use software to cover the human analyst gap AND to reduce time spent on each report.

Kate’s agency purchased Clickvoyant for a low monthly fee. The subscription to Clickvoyant gave Kate access to their AI data analyst. 

This AI data analyst could collect and clean vast amounts of data from multiple sources. And the AI could surface insights for human analysts to then advance into practice. 

With the AI’s help, Kate can hire for the soft skills that attract and retain clients, and train new employees in specific analytic methods.


Kate connected her agency to Clickvoyant as a proof of concept and was pleased to learn that configuration was complete in just a few minutes. After learning the software with her agency data, she was ready to sell Clickvoyant to clients.

Kate offered each client the enhanced monthly reports and most clients accepted. She found enough paying clients in her existing user base to cover costs. She later expanded to offering Clickvoyant to new clients and for use in prospecting. 


For instance, Kate and Clickvoyant examined two weeks worth of client data and immediately uncovered $21K in opportunities — more than the client would pay all quarter.

“Clickvoyant changed how we do business,” says Kate. “With just one report, we’re able to deliver an integrated marketing strategy to drive our client’s business forward.” 

And because Clickvoyant does the data collection and cleaning, Kate improved her margins while growing her staff. “I can hire non-analysts because Clickvoyant collects and surfaces the most actionable insights. Clickvoyant can take on the role of the analyst, or it can make existing analysts’ job easier.”

“Clickvoyant is a great addition to any agency,” says Kate. “I can sell through more services and use my staff in more focused ways. Plus, the data informs my new business pitches, so my SOWs have never been more on-point.”

Kate implemented Clickvoyant for her customers too. They attribute no small role to Clickvoyant in their success:

“Any business starting out online needs to hook into Clickvoyant from the start. If I had listened [to Kate], I would have arrived where I am a heck of a lot quicker.” –eComm business owner, Food & Bev.

Kate’s clients rely on Clickvoyant to highlight customer pain points or gaps in their funnel. “I’m simply able to make smarter decisions about marketing thanks to Clickvoyant.”


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