Predict Shopping Behavior, Boost Profitability
Clickvoyant instantly decodes customer behavior, turning complex ecommerce signals into actionable strategies that drive meaningful growth and customer loyalty.
Insights find an average of 26% additional revenue
Answers 70+ questions about eCommerce
Creates slides because analytics is a team sport
Creates slides because analytics is a team sport
Insights find an average of 26% additional revenue
Answers 70+ questions about eCommerce performance
Know what UX features correlates to purchases
Creates slides because analytics is a team sport
Finally, get meaningful insights to grow
You've never seen anything like this.
Finds 26% in incremental revenue
Reduces the time spent in all that data at least 30%
Saves on costly analytics talent headcount or contractors
Endorsed by co-founder of Google Analytics
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Clickvoyant joins Techstars Chicago
We are proud to announce that we’ve been chosen to be part of Techstars’ latest Accelerator cohort.
Webinar: Win CRO with data-driven hypotheses
Watch our latest webinar and learn how to optimize your business conversions.
Clickvoyant partners with Elevar
We are now official partnered with Elevar. We help their customer realize the insight potential of clean data and reduce their customer churn.
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